Since we're a new site I thought it would be great to give a bit of in-site into what type of games I enjoy and what I'm looking foward to the most.1. Gears of War 2
What can I say it's Gears of War 2. I loved the campaign from the first game. Yes it was simple and had some technical issues but you can't deny the fun factor that GoW had. We have only started to get a glimpse at the campaign and it looks to be as good as ever. The one area that I believe needs the most improvement is the multiplayer, for me it just felt tacked on and didn't have the same fun factor that made the campaign such a joy to play.
2. Left 4 Dead
When Dead Rising was released I was so excited, until I played it that is. I quickly realized it wasn't what I wanted, and now I realize Left 4 Dead is the game I've been waiting for. 4 player co-op missions and online multiplayer where you can play as a zombie. This game probably has the best shot at failing on my list but if it works out could be the best zombie game since Re4.
3. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Other then the Lego Star Wars series it's been years since i've been wowed by anything with the iconic brand attached to it. With the Uphoria physics engine in place and some dazzling graphics here's hoping Star Wars can wow us again.
4. Metal Gear Solid 4
I hate to admit it but I've never actually played a metal gear game before (don't hurt me). But every detail that comes out about Kojima's Blockbuster title just makes me gasp with anticipation. I'm a little worried about the controls after participating in the Metal Gear Online beta but I'll wait to see how they are utilized in the main game before I judge them too hard.
5. Resistance 2
I'm not a huge fan but the first game was solid and the best launch title for the PS3. With the announcement of 8 player co-op and 60 player online multiplayer I can't help but get excited about the newest from Insomniac.
So there you have it my top 5 upcoming games of 2008 and below I just have a few Honorable Mentions.
Fable 2
Fallout 3
Ninja Gaiden 2
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