Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bioshock movie

Well guys it's official, Bioshock is to be the next video-game based movie to come out, no not Halo, that won't be out for years.

officially to be released in 2009, this is something to take with a grain of salt. video game movies have not been stellar in the box office, nor have they been very good. So everyone is hoping that will change sometime, maybe this one will do it. I'm not so sure about it.

For one thing, it's a damn good game, and I only played as far as the demo. But seeing the big daddys and the little sisters, and the atmosphere. It made me feel as if i was really there. The city of rapture is beautiful. So this is a game with A LOT of fans. i didn't buy it but I love it and jumped when I heard about a movie for it. I am optimistic for game-based movies and felt this one HAD a story to make it good.

But, Ikinda lost hope since Gore Verbinski is set to direct it, I loved pirates one, I loved The Ring even though it wasnt awesome. I even liked pirates 2 and Mouse Hunt. But I absolutely hated pirates 3. It had the budget of Transformers (150 million)and it sucked for 89 percent of the time. not cool. Even worse, he is making this movie WHILE making pirates 4, yes pirates 4 you heard it right. But the good news is keira knightly and orlando bloom will not appear in the 4th and it will be more at sea. Good.

However, the fact that he is doing pirates 4 at the same time as bioshock and being that pirates 3 made money, i'm not sure he's realized his faults to regain his expertise to make Bioshock work. Can he do it right? yes he could and he could make history with a GOOD game movie. But sometimes these directors have weird problems, especially in this decade. Steven Speilberg saddened me a little in War of the Worlds (Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull will hopefully fix this), M. Night Shamalayan has gone 2 movies straight that were bad (hopefully The Happening will fix this).

So let's hope he doesn't mess up, otherwise he will be strangled by the lead project people from the Bioshock team for killing the culture they have made. And with the budget in CGI wasted in pirates 3, it better be good in the CGI parts with the big daddys. If I don't feel like I did when I first saw them, I automatically will pan this movie.

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