Friday, May 16, 2008

The race to the ripoffs begins!!!

Lets take a look at this little number from publisher Konami Rock Revolution and take a look at this from Activision Guitar Hero 4. Look Guitar Hero 4 will be a hit simply because of the following it has. Konomi on the other hand is going to be surprised when they don't see Rock Revolution flying of the shelves. 

For one people aren't going to spend 200 bucks for every music game that comes out. Rock Band has already gotten most of the market and is doing just about everything right. I know personally with all the DLC that i've already invested over 300 dollars into Rock Band and will continue to pour money into it as the albums get released. Me along with a few million others have already made this choice. 60 bucks is hard enough but to get someone to spend another 300 bucks is looking for money that isn't there.

We won't know how good or bad these titles will do for some time now but I don't think it is gonna be pretty. 

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