Friday, May 16, 2008

The Wii Fit

At first glance many are aware of it, but surprisingly it's still not on sale in the United States until 3 days from now. It was popular in Europe, Australia, and Japan and came out from December to April in those areas. But the question is, will the Wii Fit be popular in the US?

Well if you mean by sales, the Wii Fit will probably be as hot as the Wii itself being that the Fit offers a new type of gaming that makes your body part of the experience and the challenges. Face it, being in shape while gaming does sound nice. Heck it's easy, Sarcasticgamer has really found a lot to comment on Wii Fit's type of gameplay where you lean side to side to balance your weight distribution is pretty dull. I don't think Xbox and Playstation owners will be quick to get a Wii just because of the Fit. It's not exactly like say Gears of War when you have a Berserker on your heels smelling where you are and putting you on edge. For Wii owners its great because Wii has always been engaging physically.

So yes, it will sell well since the Wii itself is selling nearly triple the amount of consoles Xbox and Sony has, but it will probably never be a gaming hit. Dance Dance Revolution was a hit because it was hot soundtracks and you becoming a master of the beat. Same with rock band except it made you feel cool as you actually played drums to the actual beats of the music. Sweet. But Wii Fit is a health accessory, even being referred to as a weight scale by Sarcasticgamer. But it is a nice touch by Nintendo and deserves respect for trying, however, during E3 I did have a problem. One of Nintendo's higher ups demonstrated at E3 last year and if i'm not mistaken mentioned how the Wii Fit will actually weigh you and help you keep track of your weight as a hint to encourage interest. That's cool, but several people have found it offensive to say American's are fat.

I don't agree with that, but if I see advertising on TV trying to sell the Wii Fit as a weight loss option, I am going to be a little annoyed. But finally America gets its turn to enjoy the Wii Fit, it's simple and as Sarcasticgamer says: you don't have to do anything. Wii Fit. :)

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